Claims & Compensation

We represent clients (plaintiffs) in personal injury cases. If you have been the victim of an accident and have sustained personal injury where fault lies with another party, then you may be entitled to compensation. Not all cases require litigation at court. Many cases are settled pre-proceedings so if you are nervous about attending court then please speak to us as we may be able to obtain compensation for you through negotiations prior to court proceedings being issued.

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We specialize in road traffic accidents where it is clear that liability lies with another driver. We handle whiplash claims and we also handle claims for other injuries, often very serious injuries aring from RTAs. We have a network of medico legal consultants whom we engage to prepare reports and act as expert witnesses as required. If you have suffered injury and have been the victim in a road traffic collision or crash, then please contact us as you may be entitled to compensation.

Whiplash Claims are a subdivision of road traffic accident claims. Whiplash is a non medical term used to describe neck pain resulting from an injury to the soft tissues of the neck; often caused by the neck having been forced beyond its normal range of motion in an RTA.

Were you injured as a result of your employer failing to operate a safe system of work and/or premises? If so, please contact us as you may be entitled to compensation.

Legal Aid

In most personal injury cases, if you recover compensation, then the legal fees are paid by the defendant’s insurance company. In a few cases, however, if liability is in dispute and the outcome is not assured, you may wish to apply for legal aid to fund your case. Any grant of legal aid may now be subject to the statutory charge whereby the Legal Services Commission are required by law to seek to recover the grant of legal aid from any compensation awarded or property kept or gained.

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