Consider making an Enduring Power of Attorney as part of putting your affairs in order.

If you speak to anyone who has been through the Controllership process, it is very likely that they will explain that they wish their friend or relative had made an Enduring Power of Attorney instead of leaving their affairs uncertain.  At Glover and King solicitors, we call the Enduring Power of Attorney the ‘just in case document’.  This document is made while the client still has mental capacity and sets out whom they wish to appoint as their attorneys (ie who they would like to manage their finances for them in case it is needed).  There are two types of Enduring power of Attorney.  The first is the type which can be made with immediate effect and may be the preferred option for many elderly clients who wish to appoint a relative or friend to handle their finances immediately. This may assist those who are housebound or ill.  The other type is an Enduring Power of Attorney which has a restriction and so won’t come into effect unless a certain specified circumstance occurs eg if the Donor becomes mentally incapable of managing their affairs eg if they develop Alzheimers.  Therefore, clients make this type of EPA ‘just in case’ they become mentally unwell and require their attorneys to take over the managing of their finances at that point once it is registered.  If you wish to discuss making an Enduring Power of Attorney then please contact Zara at Glover and King Solicitors on 02893367025 to make an appointment.